The Bahir Dar City Sports Club Governing Board: A Blueprint for Success
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The Bahir Dar City Sports Club Governing Board: A Blueprint for Success

  The Bahir Dar City Sports Club Governing Board: A Blueprint for Success An effective governing board is crucial for the long-term success of a football club. The Bahir Dar City Sports Club should strive to embody the following characteristics and structures: Key Characteristics of The Bahir Dar City Sports Club Governing Board Visionary Leadership…

Bahir Dar City Sports Club: A Rising Star in Ethiopian Football
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Bahir Dar City Sports Club: A Rising Star in Ethiopian Football

Bahir Dar City Sports Club: A Rising Star in Ethiopian Football By: Girmaw Ashebir A Strategic Fusion of Youth and Experience   Bahir Dar City Sports Club has rapidly emerged as a dominant force in Ethiopian football, distinguished by its strategic approach to blending youth development with seasoned expertise. Founded in 1973, the club has…

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የባህር ዳር ከነማ መዝሙር

የሜዳው ጀግና ነው ንጉሱ የድል ሰንደቁ ሁሌ የሱ ማሸነፍ መለያ አርማ የኛ የኛ የኛ ባህር ዳር ከነማ ሆ ሆ ሆ ሆ የጣናው ሞገድ ሆ ሆ ሆ ሆ ባህር ዳር ከነማ እንደ ጣና መልክ ሰማያዊውን ተላብሰን ያባኮስትርን ወኔ ጀግንነት ደርበን ሁሌም ከጎንህ አለን በሁሉም አለን አለን ብታስቆጥር ቢቆጠር ጎንህ አለን አክብረን ሆ አንሰጋም ከቶ ሆ እንተን…

ይሄነው የማታ ቀጣይ ሁለት ዓመት ኮንትራት ውሉን አራዝሟል፡፡
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ይሄነው የማታ ቀጣይ ሁለት ዓመት ኮንትራት ውሉን አራዝሟል፡፡

ከታዳጊ ክለባችን ያደገው ይሄነው የማታ ቀጣይ ሁለት ዓመት ኮንትራት ውሉን አራዝሟል፡፡ባሕር ዳር በ2016/17 የዝውውር መስኮትና ተጫዋቾች ፊርማ ይሄነው የማታን ሲያስፈርም ሁለተኛው ሲሆን ፍጹም ፍትህአለውን ለቀጣይ ሶስት አመታት ውል በማራዘም ያስፈረመ መሆኑ ይታወሳል፡፡ድል ለባሕር ዳር ከተማ The Office of PR & Communications, Bahir Dar City Sport Club #followfollowfollow Bahir Dar City FC on Social Media: Website:…

ግርማ ዲሳሳ እና ወንድሜነህ ደረጀ በድጋሜ ከባሕር ዳር ከተማ ስፖርት ክለብ ጋር ተገናኝተዋል

ግርማ ዲሳሳ እና ወንድሜነህ ደረጀ በድጋሜ ከባሕር ዳር ከተማ ስፖርት ክለብ ጋር ተገናኝተዋል

ግርማ ዲሳሳ እና ወንድሜነህ ደረጀ በድጋሜ ከባሕር ዳር ከተማ ስፖርት ክለብ ጋር ተገናኝተዋል ለመቻል ስፖርት ክለብ ሲጫወት የነበረው ግርማ ዲሳሳ ለአንድ ዓመት ለባሕር ዳር ከተማ ለመጫወት የሚያስችለውን የኮንትራት ውል የፈረመ ሲሆን ከዚህ ቀደም ለባህር ዳር ከተማ ሲጫወት የነበረ መሆኑ ይታወሳል፡፡ ለኢትዮጵያ ቡና ተጫዋች የነበረው ወንድሜነህ ደረጀ እንደዚሁ ለ2 ዓመት ለባህር ዳር ከተማ የሚጫወትበትን የኮንትራት ውል…

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Youth Players Promoted to Bahir Dar City Sports Club

Youth Players Promoted to Bahir Dar City Sports Club Bahir Dar City Sports Club has made a strategic move to bolster their Premier League squad by promoting five promising talents from their youth team. The following young players have been elevated to the main team and have commenced training: Metages Muluye Esubalew Ayenew Hailu Hussein…


The Wave of Lake Tana – Bahirdar City Sports Club will tirelessly try to modernize football for our country by respecting the procedures, rules, and regulations issued by the country, and fighting those who work outside the law.

The Wave of Lake Tana – Bahirdar City Sports Club will tirelessly try to modernize football for our country by respecting the procedures, rules, and regulations issued by the country, and fighting those who work outside the law. From the transfer to the game time, we will fight for the victory of the Wave of…